How to shock your muscles

The body is very smart machine that can respond to any new pressure, & when we talk about gaining muscle size, we have to mention that training the muscles from different angles & different rep count / number of sets, will diffidently shock the muscle system.

Let me mention some effected shocking techniques that will push your muscles into the fire zone:

Shoulders: (do warm-up)

  • Side laterals Super-set with Front laterals ( 5 sets / 25 reps)
  • Dumbbell seated press Super-set with Upright rows ( 4 sets / 20 reps)
  • Bent over laterals Super-set with Dumbbell shrugs (5 sets / 25 reps)
The above routine needs to be done with light weights to ensure the reps numbers done as mentioned, & using light weight doesn't mean that the muscles won't respond, light weights with high reps / super-sets will fire your fibers, will burn fats around the mentioned muscle group, & force the muscle to work hard.

Legs: (warm up first).

  • Leg extension: 5 sets / 30 reps
  • Lunges super-set with leg curl: 5 sets / 25 reps
  • Squats: 6 sets / 15 reps.

As i mentioned above, light weights with good form.

So, don't stop shocking your body from time to time to ensure growth.

Best of luck

